
[Linkedin] OWASP Top 10: #7 Identification and Authentication Failures and #8 Soft [Caroline Wong]

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[Linkedin] OWASP Top 10: #7 Identification and Authentication Failures and #8 Soft [Caroline Wong]

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[Linkedin] OWASP Top 10: #7 Identification and Authentication Failures and #8 Software and Data Integrity Failures, 2023 (Caroline Wong)
Failures related to identity, authentication, and software and data integrity loom large in web application development. You need to keep security vulnerabilities top of mind, but how do you prepare for a possible attack? In this course, instructor and application security expert
Caroline Wong gives you an overview of the seventh and eighth most common vulnerabilities listed on the 2021 Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 List: identity and authentication failures, and software and data integrity failures.
Explore the basics of these two types of failures to find out what you can do to defend yourself against an attack, drawing from real-life examples along the way. Caroline shares insights on the latest, most effective prevention techniques to keep your web applications safe and secure, including Pwned Passwords, weak password checks, multifactor authentication, password logs and limits, digital signatures, trusted repositories, and code and configuration changes.
Technology > Security > Identity and Access Management
Продолжительность: 40 мин.
Уровень навыка: Средний уровень
Дата выпуска: 25.10.23
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