
[Spirituality Zone] 5 Million in 2023. Advanced | 5 Миллионов в 2023. Продвинутый

Цена: 80 РУБ
Организатор: Robot
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[Spirituality Zone] 5 Million in 2023. Advanced | 5 Миллионов в 2023. Продвинутый

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Our Advanced version, includes everything in the Youtube Version, except the energy output is of 5 million USD, or local currency equivalent, and the protocol includes an energy field that is the vibration of 5 million dollars. As you work with this protocol, you’re absorbing this vibration into yours.

This version also includes a beej (seed) vibration of Lord Kubera, a God of Wealth.

The protocol also includes an energy field that is an aspect of Venus, the planet responsible for wealth and luxuries.

We’ve also added something new – an energy field that activates and combines the speech/thought areas of the brain with the conscious and subconscious minds. This dramatically increases your subconscious minds receptivity of what this energy represents. If you combine this protocol with actual visualisations, affirmations, your own spoken subliminals, the subconscious will give it due importance.

Lastly, we have added a manifestation energy field to help force through the realisation of this goal.

If you do decide to purchase this protocol, please put in the necessary daily effort to achieve this goal. This protocol is a tool to help you achieve it, but it can’t do anything for you, if you do not align yourself with the energy.

All the very best!
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