
The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning [Josh Starmer]

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The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning [Josh Starmer]

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The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning:
Master the concepts, one full-color picture at a time, from the basics all the way to neural networks.

Machine Learning is awesome and powerful, but it can also appear incredibly complicated. That’s where The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning comes in. This book takes the machine learning algorithms, no matter how complicated, and breaks them down into small, bite-sized pieces that are easy to understand. Each concept is clearly illustrated to provide you, the reader, with an intuition about how the methods work that goes beyond the equations alone. The StatQuest Illustrated Guide does not dumb down the concepts. Instead, it builds you up so that you are smarter and have a deeper understanding of Machine Learning.

The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning covers:
  1. Fundamental Concepts in Machine Learning!!!
  2. Cross Validation!!!
  3. Fundamental Concepts in Statistics!!!
  4. Linear Regression!!!
  5. Gradient Descent!!!
  6. Logistic Regression!!!
  7. Naive Bayes!!!
  8. Assessing Model Performance!!!
  9. Preventing Overfitting with Regularization!!!
  10. Decision Trees!!!
  11. Support Vector Classifiers and Machines (SVMs)!!!
  12. Neural Networks!!!
About the Author:

Josh Starmer is the person behind the popular YouTube channel, “StatQuest with Josh Starmer.” Since 2016, Josh has used an innovative and unique visual style to clearly explain Statistics, Data Science and Machine Learning concepts and algorithms to curious people all over the world. Rather than dumb down the material, Josh brings people up with simple examples worked through, step-by-step, using pictures to make sure every main idea is easy to understand and remember. By breaking down even the most complicated algorithms into bite sized pieces, StatQuest has helped people, all over the world, win data science competitions, pass exams, graduate from school, and get jobs and promotions. Josh is called the “Patron Saint of Silicon Valley” because people binge watch StatQuest videos before job interviews, the “Bill Nye of Statistics” by making the topic fun and exciting and the “Bob Ross of Data” by cutting through the hype and helping people relax with silly songs.

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