
[Udemy] LaTeX for Java Developers [Meisam Bahadori]

Цена: 120 РУБ
Организатор: Robot
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[Udemy] LaTeX for Java Developers [Meisam Bahadori]

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[Udemy] LaTeX for Java Developers (Meisam Bahadori)
This course is aimed at LaTex and Java enthusiasts who are interested in systematically creating PDF documents in java by leveraging the power of LaTex. The intention was to cover all the aspects of Java and
LaTeX from the very basics to the advanced. Things you will learn:
- You will learn some of the deepest concepts of java programming, such as running command line application from within java;
- You will learn various Java design patterns, especially
the builder and fluent builder design pattern;
- You will learn about some of the widely used software that uses LaTeX such as Texshop, LatexIt, Bibdesk;
- You will learn how LaTeX works and how it handles various elements of a PDF document;
- You will learn how to handle graphics and images in LaTeX;
- You will learn all of the options that LaTeX provides for manipulating figures;
- You will learn about Bibliography and how to manage them using Java and LaTeX.
Although Java was chosen as the programming language for this course, the ideas behind developing the object-oriented API can be easily translated into other programming languages such as C++ and Python.
The material presented in this course and the accompanying powerpoint slides are prepared with utmost quality. The powerpoints are very rich in contents and are freely available as a downloadable PDF file. You can use the slide numbering to follow along with the lectures.
Курс на английском языке.
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