
[Udemy] Spring WebFlux Masterclass: Reactive Microservices [Vinoth Selvaraj, Винотх Селварадж]

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[Udemy] Spring WebFlux Masterclass: Reactive Microservices [Vinoth Selvaraj, Винотх Селварадж]

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Course Project updated for latest Spring Boot 3.2.0

In this comprehensive course, you will dive into the world of Spring WebFlux and learn how to harness its power to build reactive and high-performance microservices. Spring WebFlux offers a non-blocking and event-driven approach that outperforms traditional Spring Web MVC. Through practical examples and hands-on exercises, you will gain the skills and knowledge to develop RESTful APIs, handle exceptions, work with query parameters, leverage functional endpoints, integrate with MongoDB using Spring Data Reactive, utilize Spring Data R2DBC for reactive relational databases, make non-blocking HTTP requests with WebClient, implement server-sent events for real-time updates, and handle blocking drivers/APIs seamlessly in your WebFlux applications.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the tools and techniques to build resilient and efficient microservices using Spring WebFlux.

Course Content:
  1. Introduction to Spring WebFlux:
    • Understanding the benefits of reactive programming and Spring WebFlux
    • Performance comparison with traditional Spring Web MVC
    • Building 3 Microservices from scratch and integrating them
  2. Exposing Reactive Restful APIs:
    • Implementing GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE operations with Spring WebFlux
    • Using Controller annotation for request mapping
    • Exception handling with @ControllerAdvice and @ExceptionHandler
    • Handling query parameters with WebFlux
  3. Functional Endpoints:
    • Exposing APIs programmatically with functional endpoints
    • Router Function and Router Config for routing requests
  4. Spring Data Reactive MongoDB:
    • Performing CRUD operations with the Reactive MongoDB driver
  5. Spring Data R2DBC:
    • Performing CRUD operations with the Reactive Relational DB driver
  6. WebClient:
    • Making non-blocking asynchronous HTTP requests with WebClient
    • Handling headers, cookies, requests, and responses
    • Managing attributes and exception handling
    • Accessing streaming APIs using WebClient
    • Understanding the difference between Exchange and Retrieve methods
  7. Server-Sent Events (SSE):
    • Exposing streaming APIs for real-time updates
    • Implementing push notifications from backend to frontend
    • Developing frontend using HTML, Bootstrap, and JavaScript
  8. Miscellaneous:
    • Making microservices more resilient with the retry pattern
    • Handling errors using onError
    • Understanding the Reactive Manifesto
    • Exploring how Netty works
    • Handling blocking drivers/APIs with WebFlux
Join this course to master Spring WebFlux and unlock the potential of reactive programming for developing highly performant and scalable microservices. Gain the skills necessary to build resilient, efficient, and real-time applications using Spring WebFlux's non-blocking and event-driven architecture.
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