
[Yanonis School] Готовые комплекты и планы уроков Worksheets. Subcultures C1 [Gwyneth Jones]

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[Yanonis School] Готовые комплекты и планы уроков Worksheets. Subcultures C1 [Gwyneth Jones]

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Готовые комплекты Worksheets:

Worksheets - это готовые планы уроков, которые вы можете с лёгкостью адаптировать под любой привычный вам формат занятий.
Интересные и актуальные темы вовлекают каждого ученика в активный, динамичный диалог и помогают вывести лексику в актив от и до, а учителям - сэкономить время на выборе темы и подготовке к уроку.


A workbook that looks at a range of subcutlures - for example, the Hippy movement, goths, punks, and various other ones. The topic then goes deeper to explore ideas of identity and culture.
Warm-up: Students look at pictures of subcultures from around the world and reflect on which ones they know, and which ones exist in their country Article discussion: After reading an article about how the Beatles visiting India kick-started the hippy movement, students discuss how music is linked with identity, as well as the hippy movement in general Video discussion: After watching a video around cultures and subcultures, students discuss why it's important to 'fit in' and belong, the interactions between class and culture, and multiculturism. **Wrap-up: **Students reflect on how important it is for them to stand out or to feel part of a group, and how they express their own identity

Английский язык, 5 стр.
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